We are excited to partner with TouchPoint Software to bring the capabilities of Solertiae Sites together with TouchPoint Software to create TouchPoint Sites.
This web solution was created to you allow TouchPoint’s Partner Churches to render their database content directly to their website.
Specifically, the launch of our integrated widgets will allow you to render things like church-wide events or post the latest info regarding Summer missions trips. Having your TouchPoint Database serve as the single source of truth, eliminates the time-consuming task of double data entry, and all the errors that are prone to that type of setup.
From the onset, we wanted to offer flexible solutions and make them as accessible as possible. To that end, we've created two main service offerings to accommodate the needs of every partner church.
Option #1: MicroSite Add-On
A MicroSite is designed for any TouchPoint client who wants to utilize the widgets without having to migrate their site to another platform. You'll stick with your current CMS (i.e. WordPress, Squarespace, etc.), and link to a separate website whenever you want your users to interact with your widget content. Your end users will be aware that they're being redirected back and forth between your main site and your subdomain, but it will still be a good user experience.
Option #2: Site Migration
This option is for those who want to migrate their site to another platform to enjoy the benefits of a great CMS plus the added bonus of being able to seamlessly embed the widgets directly into your new site, providing an optimal user experience. If you’re interested in learning more about which CMS we recommend, then check out this article.
For this option, you’ll want to think about how you want your website to look and feel. Do you want to clone the look of your existing website or create a brand new website experience?
If you opt to have your site cloned, we’re happy to do this service for you. Our team are experts when it comes to cloning your website - we’ll even polish it up along the way. Similarly, you can take advantage of our professionally designed Church Website Template to serve as your new UI.
On the other hand, if you're interested in a brand new website experience, we have some great partners that are accustomed to working with churches; they can help you tackle both the messaging and the aesthetics of your site.
Several churches have already signed up for TouchPoint Sites at this point - with each one being slightly different from the next - showing that we’re flexible and committed to making this solution a win for you and your church.
Click on the button below to start your journey.
Our goal is to help you continue to grow through our pooled ingenuity and creativity. Unlike big tech, our mission is to help churches and missions accomplish the greatest commission. Our focus is on providing only what you need to accomplish your mission for a price that’s reasonable for you and sustainable for us. Find Your Essentials.