or $3/month
or $7/month
Monthly Costs by User Count:
1 User - $10
2-4 Users - $25
5-10 Users - $50
11-25 Users - $125
26-50 Users - $250
51-100 Users - $475
101-200 Users - $700
201-400 Users - $1,000
401 -> Users - Custom
Plus a custom one-time Integration fee if not a direct integration service.
*Annual discounts available
Consultations available with this plan
Consultations available with this plan
We are passwordless! You will simply browse to https://www.partneressentials.work and enter your email address. You will then receive a one-time PIN to sign-in.
Yes. For security reasons, your username and password pairing in MPDX cannot be migrated to Partner Essentials. But we are passwordless - so no need to learn a new one!
Yes. There’s both a DIY migration option for individuals and a migration service for organizations.
Click here to see how to do a DIY export.
We are biased, but we think it can be super easy if your organization has established the integration agreement with Partner Essentials! After that, you will simply need to reconnect your account to authorize Partner Essentials with your DonorHub account. If you sign in for the first time AFTER establishing the integration agreement, you will be prompted during the first-time login process.
For DIY subscribers, Global Workers without an organizational agreement with Partner Essentials, there are still ways to add donations. There is a manual entry function as well as batch importing.
Click here to see a demo.
Yes. All users are tracked by the organizational accounts they add from their profile. An organizational admin can see all users within their organizational account.
For DIY subscribers, they’ll pick Partner Essentials DIY.
DonorHub by TntWare has approved Partner Essentials as an authorized app for integration. Once your organization has executed an integration service agreement, we have all the information we need to prepare your integration.
You can get support by emailing gethelp@solertiaelabs.com or visiting gethelp.solertiaelabs.com.
Click here to see a demo.
Within DonorHub by TntWare, users can be setup with different profiles, with each profile having access to different designations/funds. When you link your Partner Essentials account to DonorHub by TntWare, you can select which profiles to link, and then Partner Essentials will have access to your data through those profiles. When Partner Essentials connects to the DonorHub by TntWare API, it does so on behalf of your user, so Partner Essentials can only see data that your user would see as if logging into DonorHub by TntWare personally.