For Global Workers
Introducing Work Essentials for Global Church Plants
Multiply your impact and compliance with a top-shelf church management system. Provide insights to your supporters and engage your local community in exciting ways!
We understand the complexities of operating a North American nonprofit with an international footprint. This often includes a domestic operations team with global workers spanning nearly all the continents and well over 100+ countries.
Operations and support for the global worker can be difficult to deliver at scale, especially with varying degrees of service expectations, compliance, and a limited budget.
But what if there was a different model?
We now offer Work Essentials for the Global Worker - a service focused on delivering direct IT services at scale to qualified workers.
This service is only available to global workers working on behalf of or in close association with nonprofits or NGOs making an impact. To see if you qualify, please proceed here.
Our goal is to help you continue to grow through our pooled ingenuity and creativity. Unlike big tech, our mission is to help churches and missions accomplish the greatest commission. Our focus is on providing only what you need to accomplish your mission for a price that’s reasonable for you and sustainable for us. Find Your Essentials.