Today we are pushing a significant update to our navigation menu. This will help you to quickly get to the pages you need to see simply by hovering over the menu to see a sub-menu. You’ll also see a badge for any pages with notifications so you can get a glimpse of what to do next. If you have access to multiple accounts this has now been moved to appear under the sub-menu on the far right hand dropdown menu.
We’ve revamped the search function to allow you to find more things quicker. You can find this new experience by clicking the search icon in the menu-bar or by pressing ctrl+f (windows) or command+f (mac). You can find contacts, hidden contacts and pages using this search box. We hope to add in task, appeal, help documentation searching to this box soon!
Just for users
Now ministry partners can join your prayer team right from your personal designation page! By adding the “Subscribe to Newsletter” link on your page, MPDX mobile and web will notify you when a new contact has been created, and simplify the process of updating their contact information and newsletter preferences.
The MPDX Team has created this brief video to guide you through setting up the link and explaining where to go in MPDX to view the information. We hope this feature is a blessing to you and your ministry partners!
Our goal is to help you continue to grow through our pooled ingenuity and creativity. Unlike big tech, our mission is to help churches and missions accomplish the greatest commission. Our focus is on providing only what you need to accomplish your mission for a price that’s reasonable for you and sustainable for us. Find Your Essentials.