is a Latin word meaning ingenuity. Our name captures our mission; we rely on ingenuity, creativity, and our technological knowledge to solve operational problems for underserved organizations with limited resources.
Are you overpaying for unnecessary IT features? Many organizations are paying for off-the-shelf solutions with features they don’t want or need. Oftentimes, this also includes expensive server maintenance costs.
Are you feeling trapped by software limitations? Duct tape and glue will only take you so far.
Are you suffering from Spaghetti Code Syndrome? It's time to say goodbye to your complicated and tangled technology and hello to an uncluttered, easier to use solution.
We Exist To Serve
We have a rich history working in and alongside nonprofits and churches.
We've walked in your shoes and we've seen solutions that work!
We'll help you maximize your budget, so let's get creative!
We speak your language and want to help you reach your goals.
We provide only what you need to accomplish your mission for a price that’s
reasonable and